‘The Hacker Mindset’ with Zelda Poem
I came slightly late for this event.
Completely my fault- I missed the first bus and I was not planning to wait 30 minutes for the next one, so I hopped in my car.
Once I got there, I spent more time trying to locate the venue in St Anne’s college. Again this was my fault, the building was literally right in front of me, but I ended up spending 10 minutes figuring out which door to use (You can tell I didn’t do the DofE award).
Okay so, I finally get into the right building, figure out which staircase to take and I’m inside, I take a seat at the back
It was a really great event, especially the Q&A part, where we discussed how to
One thing that stood out to me was developing your relationship with your mentor; she emphasized the importance of mentors, and also the importance of remembering that they are human- Like you, they may have blind spots, limitations and lack of experience in some areas. So take their advice with a pinch of salt.
It was a great event overall, and I’d recommend it. Also, a quick shoutout to the host/organisers of the event, OxNeuroTech who did a great job hosting, planning and engaging with the students that attended.