Open Mic Night: Reflections and writings

Spoiler: This one was really great!

So first of all, in keeping theme with the last event, I came late.

However this time I had a better excuse- I had just got back from a 3.5-hour hike in the Cotswolds (Blog coming soon).

So back to the main story, I put my recently retired muddy airforces to the side, quickly ate a snack and got my real shoes on ready to go out.

I really wasn’t sure what to expect with an event like this, I attended an Open Mic Night last year and it was great.

However I was attending this event by myself, in a new city.

I’m glad to say that my expectations were positively shocked.

The event was split into two- the first part was a Q&A with the up-and-coming actor, Josh Tedeku, who stars in both SupaCell, and the BBC hit show of boarders.

He’s a real professional in acting, and it shows, with him being entrusted to key roles in both shows.

Josh spoke about his experiences of navigating the acting industry, trying to avoid fitting into stereotypes, and some of the future type of roles that he would be interested in acting in.

Really good talk- Felt different from the typical talks where someone spouts corporate yap or just tells their life story like it’s book promotion time.

Josh was open, honest and real- even about his controversial opinions.

The second half of the event was an open Mic Night. I wish I could post long videos here but we don’t have that much storage.

But to sum it up, it was great. I’m not sure where to start- every act was different and every performance came with its own unique story. From spoken word on the political state of Ghana, to a great saxophone solo, the event really did have so much to share. I see why they call Oxford the musical city now; there really is so much talent.

I would definitely recommend- the hosts were great, entertaining and professional- they new the schedule like the back of their hands and were great organisers. Also food was great!


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